Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pinterest Inspired...YouTube Taught

So, as I mention in my previous post, I have found Pinterest very inspiring. One hobby that I decided to teach myself was knitting. After Christmas, I forced my family into a Hobby Lobby shopping spree where I bought my first set of knitting needles and several balls of yarn. I had no clue what I was doing or how to do it, but I was ready to learn.

That night went to youtube and learned how to cast on and do a knit and purl stitch. I stitched and stitched and stitched that night. Not long after, I began my first scarf. It was a good learning experience, but it is NOTHING that I would like to show here, but I did learn a lot about knitting.

For my second effort, I was inspired by this scarf:

I used 2 balls of Vanna's Choice yarn by Lion in Linen and 11 sized needles following this pattern:
Cast on 39 stitches.
K2, p2, repeat to last 3 stitches, k2, p1.
Repeat this row.

It turned out pretty good, for a second scarf. The first 20 rows are a little wonky as I was getting my gauge right and then a few rows after that I I had a major screw up (still not sure what) and it is visible. Overall though, I think it turned out great.

Audrey has been really excited about my knitting. She understands the difference between a knit and a purl and likes to sit and help me knit. When we were at Wal-mart, she found an eyelash yarn called Boa by Bernat and she wanted a scarf made from it. So, I made her one. I casted on 23 stitches and did a straight knit stitch all the way around.

I used just one ball of yarn (keep it mind it was for a child, an adult one would have needed 1 1/5-2). Overall, it hides a lot of flaws and is fairly easy to work with once you get the hang of it. It is so soft and I like it so much, I will be starting mine in a next few minutes.

Overall, this knitting thing is kind of fun and I am getting better each day. Can't wait to keep trying new and challenging patterns, stitches, and techniques. And to all started with pinterest and a few youtube videos..oh and the desire for a challenge!

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