Let me preface this this saying: I love my kids and I love being a mom. But in our house there is something I have dubbed the "curse of the mommy". Brian was the stay at home dad for the last 10 years. After Nathan was born early, I had the insurance and he was just getting out of grad school. It was just logical that he be the primary caregiver. Because of that, each of our children had a pretty serious "daddy attachment". When they would get hurt, they would go to dad first and me if he wasn't there. It was a bit of a blow to the ego at first, but I got used to it and carved out my mommy niche in different ways.
So, the curse of the mommy is this: Even though 90% of the time they are hurt or want love they go to Brian, it seems whenever they are sick or have a bad dream in the middle of the night, they come to me. Now the way our room is set up, it is much harder and longer to get to my side of the bed, so it is obvious it isn't a path of least resistance kind of decision. I think it is also a mommy curse that we have radar hearing. As soon as one of them is wining, crying, or moaning our mommy-radar wakes us up. There are times that I will be up 3-4 times a night and when I get up in the morning Brian never was even aware there was a issue.
Most mommy time I love, but I have to admit, I don't think I was made for the middle of night care. The nice thing is that with the youngest at 5, I do see those years coming to an end. But that means other things I love will be gone too. *sniff* *sniff*
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