About a year ago, I came across a new concept in recycling: Freecycle. Freecycle it a movement that encourages people to give the stuff they would toss to people who want to take it off their hands. There is no exchange of money and most of them time you don't even meet the people taking your stuff. It is done through a listserv at yahoo groups, and the most annoying thing is all of the emails. But the delete key takes care of that. Mostly, I have been a "giver", but recently I was in need of a cat carrier. I posted a "Wanted" post, and low and behold someone in the neighboring city. All it cost me was the gas for the trip. It couldn't have been more perfect. If you want more info visit the Freecycle site.
It amazes me what people will take and use. While I could give my stuff away at Goodwill (and I still do at times), I like to offer to Freecycle so I can hopefully reep the benefits if/when I need something. I am sure that there are some people who take it and sell it somewhere, but as long as someone takes it off my hands what they do with it is their business. What warms my heart the most is that people will take a lot of stuff that may have made its way to a landfill. Now it will continue to be used and have a life well after us.
You should try it!